We are now over the halfway point on our updated 2024 Macroscope trends podcast. Previous episodes have covered the mammoth topics of ESG, whole trip experience, meetings and the future of work. But there is more still to come!
The most recent episodes explore the ‘facilitator’ trends. What we mean by that is two trends whose prominence and development will enable other vital areas of business travel and meetings to thrive.
We’re all aware of the delicate eco-system that exists within business travel and meetings. New ideas, innovations and concepts cannot exist in a silo. They need to be worked on collaboratively to deliver the end user – be that the buyer, traveller or attendee – the experience they are searching for. And these next two trends highlight the importance of joined-up thinking to bring to reality the demands the end user is placing on the industry.
Dynamic Content
The first facilitator trend is dynamic content.
Personalisation continues to be a hot topic within business travel. It is desired by the traveller and attendee; to be known, to be seen, to be given relevant and timely information. But this level of personalisation, which will revolutionise on-trip and meeting experience, can only happen through deep and rich content aggregation.
But what makes dynamic content important? Simply put, it is how you usher in personalisation. The outdated provision and access to endless content is not enough anymore. The end user needs context.
And that’s where this trend steps up. Through API connections, machine learning and an explosion of microservice providers, we can now enable contextual, dynamic content, leading to satisfied travellers and attendees and balanced programme control.
Priorities are shifting to smarter, more purposeful trips and meetings. Dynamic content will be a key enabler to align with both traveller/attendee and company objectives, if we just remain focused on the how.
Associate Consultants Ginger Rippley and Jon Webster share their take on the dynamic content trend in episode 5.
API Explosion
Another key facilitator in our journey to deeper and broader content is the Application Programming Interface, or API as it is more commonly known.
These three little letters have become mainstream lexicon for travel and meetings managers, bringing with them a need for buyers to take a far more strategic approach to their very programme model, and the IT infrastructure required to support it.
Once again, a seemingly small trend is causing seismic shifts across multiple business functions and partners within the business travel and meetings eco-system.
So, what exactly does the explosion in APIs facilitate?
It not only brings a landscape for the rise of micro-services, but also facilitates the expansion of traditional Travel Management Company (TMC) and Online Booking Tool (OBT) solutions.
The ramifications and opportunities of which could be huge. TMCs that have invested heavily in their tech stacks are starting to deliver a more consumer grade experience off the back of the API, driven hard by newer entrants which are tech companies at their core.
Essentially, API content will empower the buyer to consider their suppliers across far more than price. Channel options, tailored products, payment methods and personalisation are all forming part of a broader supplier relationship in an API world.
You can hear our Roaders Lora Ellis and Abi Cummings explore the API explosion in more depth in episode 6.
You’ve heard the saying “there’s no smoke without fire.” Well, these two trends show that there is no personalisation without dynamic content and APIs (slightly less catchy, we’ll admit).
Rather than focusing on the big wins, these two trends remind us that the groundwork needs laying, and that there are serious discussions to be had before we can reach the personalisation nirvana we’ve all heard so much about. Stepping back and considering the facilitator trends could just help us to make that journey to ‘Create Better’ a little smoother.